Catching the signal from one of her friends, Angela brushed her skirt, took a deep breath and walked towards where he was sitting. She had done this many times before; this was just another one of her assignments. She walked up and snapped his neck. He dropped to the ground
like a sack of potatoes and she quickly threw him over her shoulder and leapt to the rooftops where she wouldn’t be followed. "Hopefully this will b the last of these stupid assignments" She sighed as she continued up the building. After running a few blocks to make sure that she was a safe distance away from the scene she hid the body and waited until 3:45 am when a small amount of people were awake and traveled to the meeting spot where she could complete her mission. She arrived at the destination at 4:15 am Clarence, the one who had signaled to her earlier, was already there, beside her was a taller figure, masked by the darkness that occurs only at this time in the early morning. Angela knelt before the figure, laying the body before it not as it were a dead man, but as if she was handing him an ancient artifact that would shatter if it dropped even an inch to the ground.
“Master, I have brought you the body you asked for, now will you teach me elemental mastery?” Angela asked as if a peasant were asking the emperor of China for his palace.
“Very nice work Angela,” The figure said bending over inspecting the body carefully “I appreciate you disposing of Robert Pattinson, Those teenage girls were disturbing my meditation and now hopefully they will shut up about their precious Robert Pattinson” he stated practically spitting fire with each mention of his name. He swiftly turned around. He seemed to be very deep in thought about something, perhaps her next assignment.
The wind played with Angela’s hair as he looked over his shoulder, sighed, turned back around and said, “Very well, You shall learn a basic skill” Her body vibrated with the thought that the master, who picked
one out of a million students to learn even the most basic of skills, Clarence’s eyes went wide as saucers as her mouth gaped, looking for its tongue. Finally she squeaked out,
“M-Master, you ca-“
“SILENCE!” He roared turning to her. She immediately closed her mouth, backed up five meters, and bowed before him. “I will not have you disrespecting my judgments” He said through gritted teeth
“I’m sorry master it’s just that-“
“SILENCE!” he roared again, sparks were jumping from his fist which looked like solid stone. “I believe that Angela has proven herself to be loyal enough that she can be trusted with this power, it is not usual for me to take more than one student I understand, but I must challenge myself once in a while. If you disagree then you are free to leave whenever you feel proper, but remember the consequences of deserting.” With each sentence finished he took another step towards her until he was only a foot away from her. She did not move from her position and she wouldn’t dare interrupt him again and suffer his punishment.
“Y-Yes master, of course” Clarence was a statue, didn’t move or make eye contact, just made sure she didn’t slip up again.
“Good” The shadowy figure said coolly, his hands relaxed and Angela found it a little bit easier to breathe. “Your training shall start as soon as you arrive at the dojo” The figure faded out, Angela stood up straight and started on her path for vengeance.